Team Internet CEO Michael Riedl leads the way for
Domain Summit
guests on their way to visit the company's
offices in London. Below:
Once inside it didn't take long for wall to
conversations to break out at Team Internet HQ.

In a meeting room at Team Internet CEO Michael
Reidl fields questions
about the public company's wide ranging business
solutions. Below:
After the visit to Team Internet, it was back to
the Hilton London Interpole
for a 23rd floor networking party hosted
Monday evening by IT.com Domains.
Above: In
the house from Canada is ExcellentDomains.ca
Ilze Kaulins-Plaskacz (at left) and her
equally effervescent sister, Rita.
Below: Holding
down the fort (or at least a table) Monday
evening are (left to right)
Dr. Gregg McNair (PTL Chairman, in from
Australia), Mark Ghoriafi (Sedo Premium
Broker and UK native who currently resides in Fort
Lauderdale, Florida), Canada's Richard Lau (industry
pioneer and original founder of NamesCon) and California's
Braden Pollock (angel investor and Founder of

Near the end of the evening, some of those who
likely didn't
leave until the lights were turned out, gathered
for this shot.
Above: Tuesday
morning it was time for the first full day of
business to get underway at Domain Summit.
Left to right, conference founder Helmuts
Meskonis, Domain Summit moderator Tess Diaz and
Sedo's Mark Ghoriafi, are fired up and ready
to go. The Domain
Summit agenda will continue to play out
with two full business days and evening social
events Tuesday and Wednesday, followed by a Farewell
Breakfast and (weather permitting) a walk through
Hyde Park Thursday morning.