has released their latest semi-annual report on
the registry operator's premium domain sales
results across the 10 TLDs they administer.
Their H2-2023
Recap (.pdf file) details how Radix
generated $4.8 million in Premium Retail
Revenue, including $3.1 million that came
from premium domain renewals. That represents a 28%
year over year gain for this segment of their
business. .Tech
was Radix's top performer, generating $1.36
million in revenue with $984,380 of
that coming from renewals and $377,622 from
new premium registrations. Rounding out their top
five TLDs, in order, were .online, .store,
.space and .site. The top chart below
breaks out the renewal revenue produced by
each of their leading TLDs. The second chart shows
the new premium registration revenue from
each of those extensions. |
