added, "Venture capital was down in the
third quarter by 53%, for example, so we saw
a decline in startups seeking a premium brand to
launch. The crypto space also experienced a large
decline, and crypto ventures have been a large
purchaser of $10 million + domains in the
last year. The general climate in domains, which we
confirmed at NamesCon recently was that many decided
to hang up a sign saying ‘gone fishin’ for
the summer”.
The good
news is that saw the sales trend
reversing over the past month.
“Domain sales have shot back up strongly in
October with significant sales in the first two
weeks of the month," Barrie noted. Escrow also
pointed out that sales volume was still up 8%
year over year jumping from $449 million in
2021 to $489 million in 2022 (across the
trailing 12 months).
following graph breaks down's
quarterly domain sales volume for the past there
information is available in the full
press release that
distributed today (.pdf file).