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Winners Announced in Radix's #SiteIt Contest - Shark Tank Judge Helped Attract 6,000 Entrants

Radix continues to burnish their image as one of the most creative marketers in the new gTLD space. The registry operator administers 11 TLDs and is continually coming up with new ways to build recognition for their top level domains. This week Radix's .Site Domains announced the winners of the ambitious #SiteIt contest they created in partnership with giant registrar Namecheap. The partners were able to enlist Kevin Harrington, one of the original judges on ABC-TV's hit series Shark Tank to judge their competition, giving it instant credibility and awareness in the creative community.

The contest invited participants to share their idea along with a unique .Site domain name that could be used for their concept. Over 6,000 people wound up registering and presenting ideas. From those entries, the Radix team short-listed the finalists with the winner and runner-up then chosen by veteran entrepreneur, business executive and network celebrity Harrington. The winner, Teodor Rupi, earned a 1-on-1 brainstorming session with Harrington, $2,500 in cash, a MacBook Air and a hoverboard. The runner-up, Jaydev Sachdeva, took home $1,000 in cash and both also received a Website Starter Kit from Namecheap.  

Harrington said, “As an entrepreneur, it was especially exciting for me to judge the #SiteIt Contest. I feel deeply passionate about bringing ideas to life and truly believe that after the initial spark, all it takes is a nudge in the right direction. This contest by .Site Domains and Namecheap was just the kind of motivation needed to urge people to share their ideas on the web.”   


Kevin Harrington
One of the original judges on 
ABC-TV's hit series Shark Tank.

Winner, Teodor Rupi said  “I’m absolutely thrilled to have won the #SiteIt contest! I’m very grateful to .Site Domains and Namecheap for the experience, and their initiative to motivate people to share ideas and get a jump start in making their ideas a reality. The .Site Domains team's support, prizes and overall experience reinforced, for me, the value a simple idea could have once it’s shared.”

Namecheap Global Marketing Manager Elpida Moutsiou added, “At Namecheap, we’re always happy to join initiatives to help talented entrepreneurs and innovators thrive. Through our partnership with .Site Domains, we reaffirm our purpose of helping people take their ideas to the web. We can’t wait to see how the winner and runner-up utilize our full startup kit to bring their ideas to fruition on their new .Site domain.” 

The specific business idea and domain each prize winner came up with were not released, which is prudent so no one will capitalize on their ideas before they get a chance to put them in motion. 

(Posted February 4, 2022)  


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