July DomainNameWire's
Andrew Allemann had me join him on his
popular DNW Podcast to review how
domain sales were going at the mid-point of the
2021 sales season. While things were looking very
good at that time, the best was yet to come.
The year closed with two explosive quarters that
wound up being, by many metrics, a record
breaking year for the domain aftermarket. We
just got back together for DNW
Podcast (#373) to take an
in-depth look at 2021's Top 100 Sales Charts and
how they compared to previous years. We also took
a close look at how the 14 domains that
sold for seven figures in 2021 are being
used now. If you want a clear example of how far
the 2021 market leaped over the previous year,
consider that there were only two
publicly-reported seven-figure sales in 2020. Of
course, we can't live in the past and it's 2022
now. So, we also shared some thoughts on what
the new year may hold for the market, looking
at reasons why the boom could continue and threats
that could upset the apple cart. |
Ron Jackson ( & Andrew
Allemann ( at the
2017 NamesCon Global conference in Las
In the latest DNW
Podcast (#373) the two domain
industry reporters got together to examine
the names and market forces that
created a record breaking year for
domain sales. |
![](../../../../images/lowdown/dnw-podcastg-ron-andrew-jan-2022.jpg) |