Wayne Wheat. They will be running this sale from a broadcast studio
with a hand-picked selection of super-premium names going on the block. This
high-stakes auction attracts the high-rollers of the domain world and is
always an exciting centerpiece at NamesCon events. The auction is
slated to run from 19:00-20:00 UTC (3PM- 4PM US Eastern time). If you have a
top tier domain you want to sell you can submit it for consideration here.
to right): World Champion Auctioneer Wayne Wheat, Wayne's assistant Lebbeus
Kemp and Founder Monte Cahn.
third auction at NamesOnline will be a first - the major conference
debut of a handshake domain auction. The Flamingo
Handshake Auction, to be held on the closing day of the
conference, Friday, September 24, will give Handshake aficionados an
opportunity to beef up their decentralized portfolio with high-quality
Handshake TLDs - especially emoji domains and one-word destinations. Submissions
for the live Handshake auction will remain open until September 17.