an exact timeline has
not yet been set, ICANN is
continuing to formulate
plans for a second
round of new gTLDs.
Hard to believe nine years have
passed since the first round
opened the door to hundreds
of new domain extensions in 2012,
with the initial wave of those
added to the root the following
year. Anyone interested in
learning more about how the
process is expected to work this
time around, especially those with
an interest in applying for a new
gTLD, will be happy to hear that
the Internet
Commerce Association (ICA)
has scheduled a free
public webinar on the
topic for August 4, 2021.
The event, that
will begin at 1pm U.S. Eastern time, will feature a panel of seasoned
industry experts and new gTLDs veterans who will provide actionable
intelligence and guidance on the next application round. The panelists -
left to right in the photo below - will be attorney Jeff Neuman (a
co-chair of ICANN committees on new gTLDs who assisted multiple applications
in round one), Jothan Frakes (CEO of ICANN Accredited Registrar PLISK.COM,
Co-Founder of NamesCon and consultant for registry/registrar
strategic and operational projects) and Phil Buckingham (CEO of Dot
Advice Ltd, a UK-based consulting firm, which provides advisory services
to gTLD applicants), with Christa Taylor hosting the session
(Christa, the Fpunder at dotTBA,
has been launching and driving TLD registry businesses since 2014 and
supported over 50 new gTLD applicants in the 2012 round).
They will address
material changes from the first round, as well as expected timing and
operations that anyone thinking about pursuing a new gTLD for their new
entrepreneurial venture, global brand or growing business will want to know
You can register now
to reserve your spot and receive a Zoom webinar link for this free,
open to the public event. For newcomers to the industry, the ICA is a
non-profit trade association that advocates on behalf of domain name
registrants and domain related companies. You can learn
more about the ICA here.