(Left to right):
World Champion Auctioneer Wayne Wheat, Wayne's assistant Lebbeus
Kemp and
RightOfTheDot.com Founder Monte Cahn getting ready to start today's
live domain auction, a sale that would wind up being one of the most
successful the industry has seen in years.

Above: The exact
moment when Wheat brought the hammer down on a $2.5 million sale of
Bird.com in the biggest deal of the day. Cahn brought his lucky
cowbell to celebrate the auction's big moments and he had reason to ring
it often this afternoon.
Just a few minutes
later, Cahn was ringing the cowbell again as Wheat yelled SOLD to close
another seven-figure sale, this one for Fish.com at $1.6 million!
That wasn't the end of the fireworks either - after ringing up a series of
smaller sales, lightning struck again with Tattoo.com going for $750,000.
It was equally stunning to learn that the same, as yet unidentified, buyer
bought all three of the most expensive domains, laying out $4.85
million to acquire three true gems.
As of this writing
we haven't yet seen a complete list of the auction results we can tell you a companion
online auction will continue running until March 4. It
includes all of the domains not sold today, plus approximately 500
additional domains that were not among those hand picked for today's live
Congratulations to
Monte, Wayne and their entire support crew on producing a landmark event that
will go a long way to further underscoring the value of top tier domains - the
beachfront property of Internet real estate.