addition to breakdowns of the voluminous sales data InterNetX and
Sedo have at their disposal, there is commentary from a wide variety of
industry veterans on how they are seeing things play out in a market
that has been booming despite the global pandemic (I was among those who commented
for the report).
document begins with a look back at 2020, including a timeline
detailing some of the year's most important events and developments. That is
followed by Central Facts and Figures, including the top individual
domain sales, how the most popular TLDs ranked by market share and many
other key metrics that slice and dice the data in every conceivable way.
Next is an Insights section that shows you what share of the market
individual countries have, how top gTLDs rank and which ones are
rising most quickly. You'll also learn what the most frequently
registered keywords are, what the most successful geo TLDs are
and how various industry players have coped with Covid-19.
in-depth details on the domain registration business, also check out the
InterNetX Perspective and for everything you wanted to know about what
is happening in the aftermarket don't miss the Sedo Perspective. In
an industry that is always looking forward you might think they saved
the best for last - the Forecasts section, in which a broad cross
section of industry leaders tells you what they expect to see happen as
2021 continues to play out. They say forewarned is forearmed, so get a
copy now so will have the information you need to succeed this year.