of a completely
free site where he could share his expertise through a series of videos.
That way anyone who wants to learn more about the topic can do so whether or
not they are able to travel to conferences. Michael's vision, MasterClassLessons.com
is now online (it can also be reached through the MCL.club
you visit MCL you will find 10 well organized video lessons,
each running about 15 minutes in length. There is also a short preview
(typically in the two-minute range) for each lesson than you can view to
decide if you want to dive into the full lesson. This is especially helpful
for those who are already familiar with some aspects of domain monetization
and may want to concentrate on topics that will be most useful for them. The
series includes these lessons:
1) Introduction
2) The Four Domain Business Models
3) Is Domain Monetization Dead?
4) Understanding the Fundamentals
5) RPM, A Misunderstood Metric |
6) Measuring Success
7) Benefits of Traffic Routing
8) Rotating vs. Algorithmic Switching
9) Impact of Direct Advertising
10) Managing a Large Domain Portfolio |
Gilmour delivering a keynote speech on domain monetization at the 2020
NamesCon Global conference in Austin, Texas in January.
people find the current Master Class Lessons useful, Michael told me he may
follow the domain monetization series with new master class curriculums in the
future. He mentioned Domain Sales, Website Development and Business
Development (all areas where he also has extensive expertise) as
possibilities for Gilmour's appealing video treatment. You may have your own
ideas about subject matter you would like to see - but one thing I think we
can all agree on is this - you can't beat the price!