

Welcome to the The
Lowdown from
DN Journal - your source for notable news
and information from all corners of the global domain name
The Lowdown
is compiled by DN Journal
Editor & Publisher Ron Jackson. |

Domain Marketplace at SAV.com
Offers Buyers & Sellers a Full
Featured Economical Option
domain buyers and sellers continue
to expand with the arrival of a new
domain marketplace at SAV.com.
SAV was launched by veteran domain
investor Anthos Chrysnathou
last year as an ICANN accredited
registrar. Knowing cost is a key
factor for domain investors who
typically hold hundreds or even
thousands of domain names at a
time. So, he decided to compete on
price, even though margins
are already slim in the registration
space. With an eye-popping
introductory offer of $5.95 for
new .com registrations (that a
year later are still priced at
just $6.95), the strategy worked.
Anthos, who I've known since he
entered the business in 2004, told
me the company already has over
300,000 registrations on the
books and the number continues to
grow quickly.
that part of the business now well
established SAV had taken the next
step with the rollout of their new
domain marketplace - and again,
the company is banking on "an
offer you can't refuse" to
get the ball rolling. They are
charging a sales commission of
just 4%, a fee that will
barely cover their credit card
processing cost. That still makes
sense to Chrysanthou because he
continues to rely on the long
term view he employed to
become a successful domain investor
himself. Anthos said, "We
wanted to make it a compelling, easy decision for domain investors to use Sav.com’s

Founder & CEO, SAV.com
domain marketplace.
Our goal is to build and maintain the largest inventory of quality domain names in order to attract the largest number of end-users
possible. Not only will this volume of end-users maximize retail priced sales for everyone, but it will give Sav.com the opportunity to convert end-user entrepreneurs and SMBs into customers
of our registrar and the disruptive website building service that we plan to launch in early 2021."
noted, "Still, We are not relying solely on pricing as the differentiator that drives domain investors to use our marketplace. For example, they will enjoy a variety of features and benefits such as automated fulfillment of domains through
Afternic and Sedo, instant ownership transfer of domains on Sav.com’s registrar, instant cash payment after reaching $100K in sales, free whois privacy, a growing list of bulk tools, buy now listings, no-reserve auctions, great customer service, and more."
"In addition, we are particularly excited about the initiatives we are rolling out to support higher domain sell-through rates. For starters, this includes the use of a
domain-for-sale lander that is the product of nine months’ worth of extensive testing. We started the testing process using typical lander designs in order to get a benchmark on conversion rates. Then we started testing a wide range of innovative lander designs. In the end, one of those innovative designs emerged as the clear winner. It converts at a rate that is
218% better than the typical landers."
can learn more about the SAV.com marketplace and request access to it here.
August 4, 2020)