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Expired Domain Sells for Over a Quarter of a Million Dollars to Top Latest DNJournal Chart 

A domain with an infamous past, Backpage.com, was allowed to expire a couple of weeks ago but that wasn't the end of the story. DropCatch.com, as they so often do, won the scrum for the domain and went on to auction it off and  collect $259,500 from the winning bidder. That made it the highest sale we saw since our last bi-weekly report and one of the ten highest reported so far in this new year. Backpage.com undoubtedly came with a lot of residual adult traffic, so it is not surprising to see that being capitalized on with the domain now serving as a redirect to an adult site.

This happened to be one of those two-week stretches in which venues that report monthly were off. That left the door wide open for Sedo, who reports weekly, to run wild on the leader board. Sedo always does well regardless of how many others are reporting, but this outing was better than well as they swept 16 of 20 entries on our latest all-extension Top 20 Sales Chart. That doesn't mean they did it with sales that normally wouldn't chart either. The four they rounded out the top five with would have been on any chart we've published over the past year. L5.com led that quartet at $95,000 with solid backing from TheAI.com at $65,000, Filed.com at $45,000 and Enable.ai at $40,000.

As Americans know, it is tax season here, with corporate returns due March 15 and personal returns April 15. That no doubt played a role in the timely sales of Filed .com, #10 Accrued.com at $23,850 and another five-figure-sale just off the chart, TaxRate.com at $11,499 (the latter two sales were from Sedo as well). The non .com gTLDs joined the party as well with four entries on the elite list, led by Sedo's $24,000 sale of #9 Super.work.

We also just learned about a very nice previously unreported sale that happened last summer when Candescent.com was sold for $300,000 in a deal handled by GoDaddy broker Drew Zarczynski . We have added that domain, that was purchased by a banking services company, to the 2024 Top 100 Sales Chart in our Domain Sales Archive where it moved into a tie for the #20 position for last year.








   By Ron Jackson

Now, here is how the leaders stacked up for the two weeks ending Sunday, March 2, 2025

The DN Journal Top 20 
Highest Reported Domain Sales - Mon. Feb. 17 - Sun. March 2, 2025
(Foreign currency to U.S. Dollar Conversions Based on Rates in Effect March 5, 2025)



Sold For

Where Sold



$259,500 DropCatch
2. L5.com $95,000 Sedo
3. TheAI.com $65,000 Sedo
4. Filed.com $45,000 Sedo
5. Enable.ai $40,000 Sedo
6. Zonnepanelen.be
("solar panels" in Dutch)
€36,000 = $38,160 Afternic
7. Xmobile.com $35,000 Sedo
8. Nano.ai $25,000 Sedo
9. Super.work $24,000 Sedo
10. Accrued.com €22,500 = $23,850 Sedo
11. LofiCafe.com $20,000 Sedo
12. GHF.org $17,500 Sedo
13. BildungsGutschein.de
("education voucher" in German)
€15,000 = $15,900 Sedo
14. HLHolding.de €15,000 = $15,600 Sedo
15. We.farm $15,500 Pvt Sale
16. Desi49.com $15,000 Sedo
17. SkiHotels.com $14,000 GoDaddy
18. PreventWildfires.org $13,200 Sedo
Believe.in €12,000 = $12,720 Sedo
Way.se €12,000 = $12,720 Sedo

Keep in mind that these are the highest value cash only sales that have been reported to us in the past two weeks. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Top Sales Charts
Click Link Below for
The All-Time Top 20 All-Cash Domain Sales Reported By DNJournal.com
 (2003 to Now)
HealthInsurance Services, Inc
eHealthInsurance Services, Inc
eHealthInsurance Services, Inc

There were five additional five-figure sales just off the chat led by a $12,500 sale of Ultimate.group by MagnumDomains. Sedo chalked up three more at this level - TaxRate.com at $11,499, HorizonETFS.com at $11,004 and INV.ai at $10,000. Dynadot also scored with CalmWave.com at $10,000

.Com Supporting Cast

Dynadot led the .com supporting cast of four-figure sales with DewanPendidikanPamekasan.com at $8,111. Not the biggest aftermarket domain sale we've seen but certainly one of the longest! The name does have significance in Indonesia though. Dynadot added $7,199 for Kotapalu-Kemenag.com, $5,111 for GopchangBBQ.com and $5,000 for MuttUp.com

DoshX.com drew $4,999, Zuruzururamen.com commanded $4,559 and StocktonRecycles.com returned $4,417. MyLondonMap.com located $4,111, XRReport.com revealed $3,000 and MonsiteWeb.com went for $2,885. FortuneStake.com found $2,750, Eventbu.com booked $2,436 and two others -  FindYourDreamHome.com and Tripcarta.com - turned in $2,136 each.

Back at Sedo, UGTInc.com yielded $8,000, 100Club.com counted out $7,680 and Nealis.com notched $7,300. OneGravity.com weighed in at $6,995 while Dedale.com and Kitsa.com collected $6,890 apiece.

Also at Sedo, Netmo.com made $6,720, Lickies.com landed $5,830 and NoGlow.com doused $5,555. Wupay.com posted $5,300, followed by a trio of $5,000 sales involving Govar.com, LexusToto.com and WhichCard.com.

Sedo had 55 more four-figure sales ranging from $2,000 to $4,999 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000 - $4,999

aerflow.com $4,999   makecaliforniagreatagain.com $3,000
cisiamo.com $4,995 op-ed.com $3,000
niccola.com $4,995 irontemple.com $2,995
firepost.com $4,900 paniniclub.com $2,995
we19.com $4,900 bigautoparts.com $2,888
leihla.com $4,888 crazydeal.com $2,775
hairandmakeup.com $4,800 ronigroup.com $2,649
wallunit.com $4,800 breedplus.com $2,645
pgslotzaa.com $4,650 abqa.com $2,600
spincoin.com $4,500 dentalcentre.com $2,560
trueturn.com $4,500 active-guard.com $2,550
scheuber.com $4,028 almallouhi.com $2,500
okqubit.com $4,015 makecloud.com $2,500
marksjewelers.com $3,988 tiempoextra.com $2,500
securoad.com $3,900 yourom.com $2,500
llmlabs.com $3,800 teesuite.com $2,499
interwetten24.com $3,710 oficino.com $2,491
mind.it.com $3,699 eg-dev.com $2,488
limestonefinancial.com $3,600 etheralis.com $2,488
lmtek.com $3,500 lowfarecalendar.com $2,450
rockthecode.com $3,499 elpasorestaurant.com $2,299
5starsupplies.com $3,450 3eu.com $2,279
verticalhero.com $3,425 dentara.com $2,250
nivd.com $3,200 opalys.com $2,120
yloh.com $3,200 courseable.com $2,000
expris.com $3,199 intervex.com $2,000
variopool.com $3,100 stationplay.com $2,000
doubleplatinum.com $3,000   

Country Codes

How many are surprised to a .ai domain at #1 on our latest Country Code Top 20 Sales Chart (and in two of the top three spots)? I'm not seeing many hands go up! Sedo rode the red hot TLD to the top this time out, scoring with #1 Enable.ai at $40,000 and #3 Nano.ai at $25,000. Sandwiched in between those two is a nice Belgian domain sale - Zonnepanelen.be
("solar panels" in Dutch) at $38,160 via Afternic

Sedo went on to sweep 18 of the 21 chart entries (the extra spot coming from a tie for the final position). Only MagnumDomains, with a $6,000 sale of #15 TAL.co and Dynadot, with a $4,999 sale of #20 (tie) Spangle.io, stood alongside Afternic as exceptions to the Sedo rule. 

Here is how the all of the top ccTLDs stacked up for the two weeks ending Sunday, March 2, 2025:

Country Code Top 20 Sales Chart
Highest Reported ccTLD Sales - Mon. Feb. 17 - Sun. March 2, 2025
(Foreign currency to U.S. Dollar Conversions Based on Rates in Effect March 5, 2025)



Sold For

Where Sold

1. Enable.ai $40,000 Sedo
2. Zonnepanelen.be
("solar panels" in Dutch)
€36,000 = $38,160 Afternic
3. Nano.ai $25,000 Sedo
4. BildungsGutschein.de
("education voucher" in German)
€15,000 = $15,900 Sedo
5. HLHolding.de €15,000 = $15,600 Sedo
Believe.in €12,000 = $12,720 Sedo
Way.se €12,000 = $12,720 Sedo
8. INV.ai $10,000 Sedo
9. Hilfreich.de €8,749 = $9,274 Sedo
10. Kochbuch.de €8,000 = $8,480 Sedo
11. HW.co $8,000 Sedo
12. Consent.in $7,500 Sedo
13. UDS.eu €6,499 = $6,889 Sedo
14. PillPal.de €5,799 = $6,147 Sedo
15. TAL.co $6,000 MagnumDomains
Awesome.fi €4,999 = $5,299 Sedo
Consent.io €4,999 = $5,299 Sedo
Driver.ae $5,000 Sedo
Tours.ae $5,000 Sedo
41.ai $4,999 Sedo
Spangle.io $4,999 Dynadot

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Charts.

There were dozens of additional ccTLD sales off the chart led by a quintet of Sedo sales that included Letting.co.uk at $4,864 and Espagne.fr at $4,770. PMHolding.de added $4,558, XEnergy.eu generated $4,240 and Erika.de delivered $4,239.  

Sedo had 39 more four-figure sales ranging from $2,120 to $3,816 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo ccTLD Sales Between $2,000 - $5,000

sitec.ch $3,816


praetorian.ch $2,649
datasolutions.eu $3,815 capitalcircle.de $2,597
stores.fr $3,710 financeguy.de $2,597
vape24.de $3,392 welaik.de $2,544
postbac.fr $3,339 aktiennewsletter.de $2,523
cotations.fr $3,180 jingdong.de $2,523
nerd.nl $3,180 lindley.de $2,523
partypeople.eu $3,180 skillhub.de $2,523
cargox.de $3,179 greenovate.de $2,226
hithium.de $3,179 atflow.de $2,120
colza.fr $3,063 bauvision.de $2,120
rahmenstudio.de $2,968 bello.fr $2,120
cleanpoint.de $2,952 fahrservice.de $2,120
lokalenergie.de $2,952 helivision.de $2,120
2kmp.me $2,880 hyperion.eu $2,120
osecoelfab.cn $2,750 klinikker.no $2,120
akeno.de $2,650 lucca.ch $2,120
daspapier.de $2,650 softbreeze.de $2,120
next-generation.de $2,650 targetads.de $2,120
intecgroup.de $2,649  

At DomainLore.uk, President.co.uk provided $3,904, PCE.co.uk sold for $3,264 and UGC.uk clicked for $2,688. Adelphi.co.uk fetched $2,196, Rico.co.uk rang up $1,216 and JFA.co.uk closed at $1,043.

Elsewhere, Dyandot deposited $2,895 for Aruma.mx.

If there are country code extensions in our report that you are not familiar with, you can look up the nation each extension goes with here.  

Non .com gTLDs

The non .com gTLDs were led by the quintet of five-figure sales you saw in the all extension section at the top of this report with Sedo's $24,000 sale of Super.work leading the way. The biggest sale in this category that you haven't seen yet is the #6 name on our latest Non .Com gTLD Top 20 Sales Chart. That is a rare one-letter .club sale at Dynadot - W.club at $5,250.

Dynadot claimed three more spots on the leader board, including two others that landed in the top ten - #9 Girlfriend.info at $3,526 and #10 Start.chat at $3,500. Namecheap cashed a trifecta ticket with a trio led by #11 (tie) Amber.art at $3,250.

Here is how the non .com gTLD leaders stacked up for the two weeks ending Sunday, March 2, 2025:

Non .Com gTLD Top 20 Sales Chart
Highest Reported Non .Com gTLD Sales: Mon. Feb. 17 - Sun. March 2, 2025
(Foreign currency to U.S. Dollar Conversions Based on Rates in Effect March 5, 2025)



Sold For

Where Sold

1. Super.work $24,000 Sedo
2. GHF.org $17,500 Sedo
3. We.farm $15,500 Pvt Sale
4. PreventWildfires.org $13,200 Sedo
5. Ultimate.group $12,500 MagnumDomains
6. W.club $5,250 Dynadot
7. Mirus.org $4,999 Sedo
8. Davey.org $4,800 Sedo
9. Girlfriend.info $3,526 Dynadot
10. Start.chat $3,500 Dynadot
Amber.art $3,250 Namecheap
Cloud.art $3,250 GoDaddy
13. Spinner.live $3,099 Afternic
14. Trolley.info €2,500 = $2,650 Sedo
15. PhillyBeerWeek.org $2,000 Sedo
16. Sakura.art $1,625 Namecheap
17. Offer.art $1,550 HiChina
18. CodeFuture.org $1,510 Namecheap
19. NoFlyZone.org $1,050 GoDaddy
20. APK.pro $1,100 Dynadot

Now that you're up to date on what happened over the past two weeks, check out our Year-to-Date Top Sales Charts here.

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