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A Million Dollar Sale and Four in Six Figures Light Up Our Latest Domain Sales Chart

Judging from the latest domain sales, the summer break apparently ended a little early this year - at least for the domain aftermarket. We are well past July 4th but there seemed to be fireworks everywhere with a $1 million sale creating the biggest boom. That was DomainBooth.com Founder James Booth's sale of Koko.com that was made through Atom.com. That is the third highest publicly reported domain sale of the year to date, trailing only Gold.com ($8.515 million) and TP.com ($1.2 million). There have undoubtedly been many more 7-figure sales this year but most at that level are made under non-disclosure agreements.

Atom.com also gets credit of the #2 domain on our latest bi-weekly all extension Top 20 Sales Chart because they sold Gosh.com for $475,000 on behalf of Braden Pollock from LegalBrandMarketing.com - and Atom (formerly known as SquadHelp) still wasn't done. They also sold #4 Auger.com for K-Ventures at a cool $125,000. Sandwiched between those was yet another big sale from industry pioneer Mike Mann who moved #3 WWI.com for $350,000 on his DomainMarket.com platform. 

I mentioned Atom not being through - neither was LegalBrandMarketing or K-Ventures. Braden chalked up another one for LBM with a $100,000 sale of #5 Spring.net in one of the five highest non .com gTLD sales reported so far this year. K-Ventures also rang the bell a second time with a $33,999 sale of #9 Nason.com that was made via DAN.com.

All of this and I still haven't gotten to the venue that put up the most chart entries. That was Sedo who swept 13 of 20 places, including four of the top ten. #6 UpSign.com at $60,500 led the Sedo charge. They also put another non .com gTLD on the top half of the leader board thanks to Premium Broker Mark Ghoriafi working with Geocentic Media's Fred Mercaldo to move a beautiful city domain, #10 Seattle.org, for $33,350.

When big numbers are being thrown around the .coms almost always take the lion's share of chart entries and that was the case this time out. The .coms piled up 15 chart entries with the remaining five all going to non .com gTLDs. That didn't mean it was a bad couple of weeks for the ccTLDs. On the contrary, they rang up five five-figure sales (led by Sedo's $20,000 sale of Reactor.ai) that would have charted almost any other week but fell just short in the flood of high end sales this time around. Were it not for NDAs, there would have been even more. In just one example of that, Sedo's Mark Ghoriafi closed a $275,000 sale of a two-word .com under an NDA. 








           By Ron Jackson

There is also some news about historical sales to share with you. As Elliot Silver reported at DomainInvesting.com, it was revealed that Public.com changed hands for $900,000 three years ago. As a result, we have added that sale to the 2021 Top 100 Sales Chart in our Domain Sales Archive where it ranks as the #20 sale for that year.

While one was added, one of the biggest sales ever reported - Fund.com at $9,999,950 has been removed. That one was reported in an SEC filing 16 years ago but many have been skeptical ever since and, as it turns out, rightfully so. Since knowingly submitting false information to the SEC can get you arrested and there was no evidence at the time to disprove it, the sale was listed. However, as Andrew Allemann detailed at DomainNameWire.com, it has now been proven to be a fake sale and thus deleted from our charts.

Now, getting back to current sales - here is how the leaders stacked up for the two weeks ending Sunday, August 11, 2024

The DN Journal Top 20 
Highest Reported Domain Sales - Mon. July 29 - Sun. August 11, 2024
(Foreign currency to U.S. Dollar Conversions Based on Rates in Effect August 14, 2024)



Sold For

Where Sold

1. Koko.com $1,000,000


2. Gosh.com $475,000 LegalBrandMarketing/


$350,000 DomainMarket
4. Auger.com $125,000 K-Ventures/Atom
5. Spring.net $100,000 LegalBrandMarketing
6. UpSign.com €55,000 = $60,500 Sedo
7. Sorteos.com €50,000 = $55,000 Sedo
8. LandWolf.com $42,069 Sedo
9. Nason.com $33,999 K-Ventures/DAN.com
10. Seattle.org $33,350 Sedo/Geocentric Media
11. LFM.com £25,000 = $32,250 Sedo
ARCS.com $30,000 Sedo
Himpel.com $30,000 Sedo
IPL.net $27,000 Sedo
Raimondi.com $27,000 Sedo
16. Finders.com $25,000 Sedo
17. Gosh.xyz $24,888 Swetha.xyz
18. VFShop.com $23,500 Sedo
19. World.charity €20,000 = $22,000 Sedo
20. Baddie.com $21,000 Sedo

Keep in mind that these are the highest value cash only sales that have been reported to us in the past two weeks. This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers or both. Our procedure for verifying the accuracy of domain sales reports is available here.

CLICK HERE for our Year-To-Date Top Sales Charts
Click Link Below for
The All-Time Top 20 All-Cash Domain Sales Reported By DNJournal.com
 (2003 to Now)
HealthInsurance Services, Inc
eHealthInsurance Services, Inc
eHealthInsurance Services, Inc

There were 20 more five-figure sales off the chart with Sedo accounting for all but two of those with a roster that included Coinbets.com at $20,350 and two others - BenBornstein.com and Reactor.ai - at $20,000 each. They added $19,888 for SansCasino.com, $18,164 for Alpholz.de, followed by four others - CMotions.com, Intuitive.ai, Schumacher.it and TitanProperty.com - at $15,000 apiece.

The Sedo hit parade continued with Saphiira.com at $14,788 and four more - HotelResort.com, Liom.com, Perlentaucher.com and Teachify.com - at $12,000 each. They completed their five-figure run with ClickSale.com ($11,000), VIPLuck.com ($10,989), Marble.eu ($10,835) and Ezinne.com at $12,560.

Meanwhile, LegalBrandMarketing added yet another feather to their cap with Argentic.com at $12,000 and DomainMarket scored again with VibeFitness.com, also at $12,000.

.Com Supporting Cast

Sedo also commanded the .com supporting cast of four-figure sales with GoldRates.com at $9,999. VictoryBrands.com at $9,900 and Monsoleil.com at $9,300. FF20.com kicked in another $8,999, DataToday.com drew $8,100 and MichComm.com made $8,099.

Sedo also banked $7,950 for PYNC.com, $7,800 for Yukselsaudia.com and $,7777 for 777E.com. Get100.com got $7,650 and three others - AudioCenter.com, Wellhoefer.com and WowWigs.com - went for $7,500 apiece. 

Sedo had 87 more four-figure sales ranging from $2,000 to $7,150 that are listed in the table below:

Additional Sedo .com Sales Between $2,000 - $7,150

bjbet.com $7,150   sankbang.com $3,150
badguru.com $6,600 family-hotel.com $3,119
freshquote.com $6,000 bonveno.com $3,099
fsga.com $6,000 bitcoinos.com $3,000
prodes.com $5,800 postback.com $3,000
wiziu.com $5,799 buysf.com $2,999
bluedogcoin.com $5,499 glaciertech.com $2,999
dancingflowers.com $5,359 publictreasury.com $2,995
cjlaw.com $5,200 vranded.com $2,995
amazingyou.com $5,000 halfo.com $2,988
goprimeguard.com $5,000 russellshaw.com $2,988
urbanwise.com $4,999 luxurymining.com $2,927
foxandbear.com $4,995 amplifylight.com $2,899
heatnetwork.com $4,995 fleetxpert.com $2,899
julescafe.com $4,995 apressoleil.com $2,888
explan.com $4,950 jakartapress.com $2,888
indonesiansc.com $4,888 fauquierbank.com $2,868
pbtrust.com $4,888 freedom-group.com $2,868
nemadji.com $4,879 kabelkanal.com $2,750
8abc.com $4,500 archetypeentertainment.com $2,737
memoo.com $4,500 tdev.com $2,695
gostat.com $4,319 bloomdate.com $2,639
wptgold.com $4,290 onlinepage.com $2,600
hotelsdubai.com $4,000 arsolo.com $2,500
growthquotient.com $3,999 bearingking.com $2,500
romble.com $3,999 bulkpets.com $2,500
wp168.com $3,999 clkgroup.com $2,500
semaplus.com $3,995 renvio.com $2,500
c-cloud.com $3,900 usfoundations.com $2,500
johnstegall.com $3,899 wattslegal.com $2,500
wasmiddel.com $3,850 marriagecruise.com $2,488
naiss.com $3,839 tashantv.com $2,431
claryst.com $3,740 workmai.com $2,310
landtender.com $3,600 glucolean.com $2,222
flyingfrogs.com $3,575 futurepool.com $2,200
eyls.com $3,500 o777.com $2,200
mookambika.com $3,500 tyime.com $2,199
myadult.com $3,500 fyxs.com $2,100
curabel.com $3,499 2pan.com $2,099
sto-consulting.com $3,450 europeanlistings.com $2,000
mezzanotte.com $3,300 kreated.com $2,000
newbund.com $3,289 projectmindset.com $2,000
rtpinc.com $3,289 sportforia.com $2,000
tenexa.com $3,200  

Elsewhere, Jason Eisler sold RehabsInFlorida.com through Afternic for $7,500.

...and we're not done yet!

Continue to Page 2 for the ccTLD and Non .Com gTLD Top 20 Charts and all other sales reported in those categories over the past two weeks.

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