If you are lucky enough to own one, few things will fatten up your
bank account quicker than putting a two-letter .com on the
market. NQ.com went up for grabs at Afternic.com
and when the dust settled the popular auction venue had the week's
top reported sale at an even $27,000. DomainSystems.com
tells us they had a sale of similar value this week but it was one
of the three we noted above that the participants are keeping
private. We received some partial details on the other two. We had
heard that CheapDrugs.com changed hands for $20,000 in
a private transaction. We reached the seller by phone and he
confirmed the sale had been made but declined to confirm the price. Sedo.com
also had a �10,000 ($12,291) sale but their customer asked
them to withhold the name of the domain.
Sedo had another one that was even bigger than that and they were
allowed to report landing it. A 3-letter British country code
domain, BES.co.uk, went for �10,000 ($18,331 at
the March 9 exchange rate) to nail down the #2 slot on our new
chart. It's interesting to note that there are three 3-letter
domains on the Top Ten in three different extensions this week.
Maybe Thunayan K. AL-Ghanim (Elequa)
knew exactly what he was doing when he bought up every remaining
3-letter .info and .biz domain last week (more than
7,000 domains in all).
Sedo wound up having a great week all the way around, claiming
six positions on our Top Ten and just as they did last week, they
hit their high marks with a variety of extensions including .com,
.net., .de and that big .co.uk. After the #3 domain, Supernova.org
at $15,000 (in a private transaction), Sedo took five of the
seven remaining positions with Pool.com
accounting for the other two. Let's take a look at all of the top
reported sales for the week ending Sunday, Mar. 7 then we'll
add a few more comments on the individual domains:
Name Journal's Top Ten
Reported Domain
Sales - Mon. Mar.1, 2004 - Sun. Mar. 7, 2004
Euro to Dollar Conversion (� to $) is Based on Rates in
Effect Tue. Mar. 9 |
Domain |
Sold For
Sold |
1. |
NQ.com |
$27,000 |
Afternic |
2. |
BES.co.uk |
= $18,331 |
Sedo |
3. |
Supernova.org |
$15,000 |
Transaction |
4. |
eTracker.com |
�8,800 =
$10,829 |
Sedo |
5. |
("Calendar" in German) |
�8,000 =
$9,844 |
Sedo |
6. |
JunkBonds.com |
$8,090 |
Pool |
7. |
SSV.de |
�6,000 =
$7,381 |
Sedo |
7. |
FirstMobile.de |
�6,000 = $7,381 |
Sedo |
9. |
("Formula 1" in German) |
�5,000 =
$6,144 |
Sedo |
10. |
AKB.com |
$6,000 |
Pool |
Keep in mind that these are the highest
value sales that have been reported in the past week.
This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a
complete list documenting ALL high value domain
sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many
sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers
or both. |
That $15,000 sale of third-ranked Supernova.org
represents a high water market for .org in 2004. The buyer is a guy
who turns up frequently on these pages, Christian Chena. He
told us Supernova gets thousands of unique visitors a week, making it
well worth his 15K outlay.
Sedo notched the chart's fourth 5-figure sale after
attracting a $10,829 bid for eTracker.com. There is a
segment of the domain community that thinks "e" prefix
domains are out of date, but I'm pretty sure the bank will still
accept the cash from this sale! Sedo's #5 domain Kalender.com,
fell just $166 short of giving them a five-figure trifecta on the
chart. Sedo is always good for some strong .de sales too
(German country code domains). This week SSV.de and FirstMobile.de
shared the #7 position after going for $7,381 each.
Pool's best sellers were bunched in a solid
four-figure range this week. It addition to their two on the Top Ten,
they scored with HighYield.com at $5,403 and Hooligan.com
at $5,000. Pool also has three big sales in the pipeline as you
will see below. Another one worth noting from the shallow end of the
pool was NewPets.com at $1,595.
Afternic had quite a variety of sales activity this
week. In addition to their chart topper, NQ.com, they sold a
package of 19 "personals" domains for $3,800. These
were all .coms that followed the cityname/personals.com form. For
example, AtlantaPersonals.com, MiamiPersonals.com and DenverPersonals.com
to name a few that were in the mix. Afternic's other goodies
included Slipstream.com at $1,600, RecycleMarketplace.com
at $1,500, BulkSpices.com at $1,400 and CampaignWorks.com
at $1,288. Afternic also had a nice 3-letter .org sale with DAI.org
going for $1,000. They scored on the New TLD chart too (more on
that coming up a little later in the article).
We just got through mentioning last week that we were
seeing signs of life among 3-character .coms again (domains
combining letters and numbers). This week more evidence comes from Adam
Woeger's $3,200 sale of M4A.com at DNForum.com.
M4A is short for the rapidly emerging new MPEG 4 Audio format.
Sometimes you really have to stretch to make something meaningful out
of a 3-character domain (as opposed to three letters) but this was one
of the few that was a perfect fit right out of the box.
A couple of other sales to mention involve .TV,
the Tuvalu country code that Verisign is marketing
globally to try to cash in on the reflected glow the extension gets
from being the acronym for television. We have word of our first
notable .TV sale, Spanner.TV which went for �700 ($863)
at Sedo. Not sure what to make of that (except that Sedo could
apparently sell ice cubes to Eskimos)! Of course you know what
they say about bugs. If you see one in the house there is always
another one. Sure enough, right after we got that sale report we heard
from Afternic that they had sold Intel.TV for $260! I'm
spreading the .TV bait around right now to try and stop this before it
gets out of hand!
In The Pipeline: A
Pool auction for XXXPics.com closed at a whopping $32,000
March 1 but the domain has not changed hands yet so we will have to
wait and see if that one goes through. Another high dollar domain we
have been watching there, FAQ.net, never did change hands after
receiving a high bid of $14,500 back on Feb. 17. Pool
also attracted a $10,000 high bid for UQJ.com in an
auction that ended Monday Mar. 8 (the day after our current reporting
period ended). That's a high price for such an unattractive letter
combination so it will also bear watching to see if the buyer is for
real. For comic relief, there is currently an auction on Ebay
for AMPMAmerica.com
with a $1.5 million dollar minimum bid and a bid has been
placed! What do you think the odds are that one is legitimate? And
people wonder why the domain category on Ebay has a reputation for
shill bidding. 
Rewind: We got
late word of a decent sale at BuyDomains.com.
We don't hear much from that venue because the company has a policy
against releasing sale prices. In this case, buyer Don Marks contacted
us to let us know he had acquired TheHomeSource.com there for $2,800.
Only one change on our
Year-To-Date Sales Chart this week. NQ.com took up the
15th position after that 27K sale at Afternic. We added one slot to
the chart this week to keep all of this year's $20,000+ domains
in clear view. Here are your leaders Year-To-Date:
Name Journal's Year-To-Date Sizzling 17
Highest Reported
2004 Domain
Sales through Sun. Mar. 7
Euro to Dollar Conversion (� to $)
Based on Rates in
Effect When Sales Were Originally Reported by DNJ |
Domain |
Sold For
Sold |
1. |
Beef.com |
$150,000 |
GreatDomains |
2. |
"Sex contacts" in German |
= $141,175 |
Sedo |
3. |
Truck.com |
$101,000 |
DomainSystems |
4. |
"Cruises" in German |
= $88,853 |
Sedo |
5. |
"Boxing" in German |
= $72,509 |
Sedo |
6. |
= $51,333 |
Sedo |
6. |
"Bosom" in German |
= $51,333 |
Sedo |
8. |
Faces.com |
$38,700 |
DomainSystems |
9. |
Metropol.com |
= $38,230 |
Sedo |
"Nude or Naked" in German |
= $38,081 |
Sedo |
11. |
DiscountDrugs.com |
$30,010 |
Namewinner |
12. |
NewYork.info |
�22,000 =
$28,086 |
Sedo |
13. |
XPart.com |
$27,981 |
DomainSystems |
14. |
Messaging.com |
$27,600 |
Pool |
15. |
NQ.com |
$27,000 |
Afternic |
16. |
Beat.com |
$25,000 |
DomainSystems |
17. |
Password.net |
$20,555 |
Afternic |
Below are landmark sales where the price level (denoted
by X characters) was released but not the exact price paid.
This will allow us to note significant sales that are among
the Year-To-Date leaders but cannot be ranked
numerically due to a confidentiality agreement that
kept the exact price private. Date shown indicates when the
sale was first reported in Domain Name Journal. |
(Feb. 10, 2004) |
Sedo |
New TLD Section
.Info leads the New TLD chart again this
week and it's not surprising to see a German word holding the #1 slot
(Germany has been the most enthusiastic backer of .info with 22%
of all .info registrations coming from that country). Hochzeitsseite.info
(German for "wedding site") went for $1,478 at
Sedo to easily outdistance runner-up Slovakian.info at $523.
A .US pops up on the chart this week at #3, followed by two
more .infos. Here's the new leader board:
Name Journal's New TLD Top Five
Reported .info, .biz & .us Domain Sales
Mar. 1, 2004 - Mar. 7, 2004
Euro to Dollar Conversion (� to $) is Based on Rates in
Effect Tue. Mar. 9 |
Domain |
Sold For
Sold |
1. |
{"wedding site") in German |
�1,200 = $1,478 |
Sedo |
2. |
�425 =
$523 |
Sedo |
3. |
$350 |
Afternic |
4. |
("discount tires" in German) |
= $281 |
Sedo |
5. |
Nagshead.info |
$250 |
Afternic |
When I saw Hochzeitsseite.info had gone that
high I did a little checking and was surprised to find that the
English version of that domain was sitting there unregistered (a
situation I quickly remedied). I've never been a big fan of domains
with the word "site" in them (feeling that was an
unnecessary filler word), but in this case the word is actually an
integral part of the product. Having gotten married long before the
Internet was even a gleam in Al Gore's eye, I didn't realize
that the marketing of personal "wedding sites" had become a
nice business, serving as high tech wedding albums for many couples. A
quick visit to Google and all of the ads for the product there quickly
brought me up to speed. Now I know just what to give as a wedding gift
the next time a friend gets married!
My personal experience with .info continues to be very
rewarding. I just sold another one today (just under four figures)
that has started its trek through Escrow.com. That one should
hit the chart in a week or two if all goes well. With no blockbusters
this week our
Year-To-Date New TLD chart remains unchanged from last week:
Name Journal's Year-To-Date New TLD Super 7
Highest Reported 2004 .info, .biz & .us Domain Sales through
Mar. 7
Euro to Dollar Conversion (� to $)
Based on Rates in Effect When Sales Were Originally Reported
by DNJ |
Domain |
Sold For
Sold |
1. |
NewYork.info |
�22,000 = $28,086 |
Sedo |
Moscow.info |
$10,000 |
Sedo |
3. |
RioDeJaneiro.info |
$9,000 |
Transaction |
4. |
BDSM.info |
= $6,947 |
Sedo |
5. |
"tires" in German |
= $6,894 |
Sedo |
6. |
Vancouver.info |
= $6,378 |
Sedo |
7. |
Vacations.info |
$5,500 |
Transaction |
As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies,
private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale
made through any channel. To contribute information and help make
this column better, just drop a note to [email protected].
People like Richard
Meyer provide invaluable help by sending us data for these sales
reports each week.
Every Tuesday we publish the highest reported domain name
sales for the previous week. On Monday our contributors send us
their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that
information and write this report for Tuesday publication to give
you the freshest sales report in the industry.
We will close with this standard caution. These are not average selling
prices - these are top selling domains. One of the
biggest impediments to making sales is pricing domains at
unrealistic levels. For most of us, pricing domains at the levels
achieved on the Top Ten chart will leave us waiting a long time to make a sale! We hope you will
use the information presented here as a measuring stick that will
help you price your domains at levels that will put more money in
your pocket more often!
Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain
Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.