We are happy to welcome GreatDomains.com
to our list of contributors this week. As one of the industry's
key sales venues their participation is extremely valuable to
everyone interested in current market trends. They've certainly made
a big splash in their Domain Name Journal debut, practically
clearing the pool by brokering the blockbuster $150,000 sale
of Beef.com.
That domain has been in the news frequently since the original
owner let PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) use
the name for an educational campaign on Mad Cow disease. That caught
the attention of USA Today, the New York Times, the Wall
Street Journal and others, giving the domain a level of exposure
that money can't buy. The 150K sale is the industry's highest
reported sale of the year to date, just nudging out SexKontakte.de,
a domain that went for $141,175 only a week ago at Sedo.
After taking the top four spots on our chart last week, Sedo came
back with another monster performance this week. They placed five
domains on the Top Ten including second-ranked Nackt.de
that went for $38,081. The word means "naked" or
"nude" in English. You might recall that last week we
expressed amazement that a 3-letter .de (German country code)
acronym, FKK.de went for over $51,000. A reader from
the Netherlands, Martin van der Groep, informed us that FKK
stands for Frei K�rper Kultur, a term that means
"nudism" in English. Martin also said the practice
has its roots in Germany (which may account for the high values
we're seeing for nudism related terms there).
Nackte.de was one of three more .de's commanding top dollar at
Sedo this week (.de took the top four spots last week). This time
around, Mieten.de ("rent" in English) and HausFrauen.de
("housewives" in English) did the five-figure honors. The
popular venue racked up still another five-figure sale with a .info
- collecting $10,000 from a Dutch buyer for Moscow.info
(the seller was from Canada). That's the latest in a long line of
good news for the new extension. Just last night (Feb. 23), Thunayan
K. AL-Ghanim (Elequa) registered the last
3-letter .infos that were still available. .Info has now joined the
original three extensions, .com, .net and .org as
those in which every one of the 17,576 possible 3-letter
combinations have been registered. We'll have more on that in our
New TLD section below.
In the meantime, Elequa was also making news in the industry's
Old World, as he was the buyer in a Pool.com
auction for Messaging.com that ended at $27,600. That
transaction placed third on this week's Top Ten chart. Afternic.com
had the #4 domain, scoring a bullseye with 38.com in a
$20,000 transaction. We'll add some more notes on this week's
action, but first let's take a look at the Big Board showing the top
sales for the week ending Sunday, Feb. 22:
Name Journal's Top Ten
Reported Domain
Sales - Mon. Feb. 16, 2004 - Sun. Feb. 22, 2004
Euro to Dollar Conversion (� to $) is Based on Rates in
Effect Tue. Feb. 24 |
Domain |
Sold For
Sold |
1. |
Beef.com |
$150,000 |
GreatDomains |
2. |
"Nude or Naked" in German |
= $38,081 |
Sedo |
3. |
Messaging.com |
$27,600 |
Pool |
3. |
38.com |
$20,000 |
Afternic |
5. |
"Rent" in German (verb) |
= $13,963 |
Sedo |
6. |
"Housewives" in German |
= $12,693 |
Sedo |
7. |
HomeSource.com |
$10,500 |
Pool |
8. |
WWU.com |
$10,050 |
Pool |
9. |
Moscow.info |
$10,000 |
Sedo |
10. |
Ringbacktone.com |
= $9,330 |
Sedo |
Keep in mind that these are the highest
value sales that have been reported in the past week.
This column is meant to be an educational tool, not a
complete list documenting ALL high value domain
sales. Such a list is impossible to produce because many
sales are kept private at the insistence of buyers, sellers
or both. |
The party never seems to end at Pool. The
auction venue racked up three five-figure sales this week with Ultimate
Search picking up HomeSource.com and WWU.com in a
pair of 10K+ deals that complemented Elequa's big Messaging.com buy.
Pool's other winners included SalesPeople.com at $5,850,
WholesaleDVD.com at $5,334 and WholesaleMovies.com at
$4,700. There's no doubt they also adore ItalianWomen.com
after getting $3,555 for that domain to go along with $3,100
for CruiseLocator.com and $1,820 for DomainSearches.com.
always accounts for some of the week's biggest sales. This week they
racked up $7,999 for Maharajah.com and $7,100 for
Hypergirl.com. In virtually any other week since we started these
reports last fall, those would have landed in the Top Ten. That just
underscores the rapid escalation we are seeing in the market. Also at
DomainSystems, WordLogic.com made sense at $5,850, Cannibalized.com
gobbled up $3,225 and Marketomatic.com shifted $2,144
to the seller's bank account.
Sedo's five entries on the Big Board were not their
only strong sales. They also rang up �6,000 ($7,611) for ProSoft.com
and handled a �4,500 ($5,712) sale between two Frenchmen for Yatoula.com.
Jetman.com also soared at Sedo, finally landing at �3,000
Afternic shared in the bounty too. In addition to
their big 20K sale on our main chart, they watched BuyShoes.com
stroll out the door for $5,000. Another Afternic buyer can now
cry "woe is me" and really mean it after picking up woe.com
for $4,000 and woe.net for another $2,000. We
could all use more trouble like that!
There was another notable sale in a private
transaction between buyer Alex Lerman and seller Nametower.com.
In that deal, Counties.com changed hands for $6,000.
In The Pipeline: FAQ.net
is still stuck in the pipeline this week. The domain went for $14,500
in an auction that ended at Pool Feb. 17. As of this writing (Feb. 24)
the domain still has not been transferred to the high bidder. Pool
also has CastingCalls.com moving through the pipeline after
attracting an $8,700 high bid in an auction that ended Feb. 23.
We are adding another spot to our
Year-To-Date Sales Chart this week as we now have 16 sweet
domains that have all gone for $20,000 or more in 2004. As
the year progresses we are periodically adding more positions to
the chart so we can show you the best of the big sales in one place.
Here is how they stack up as we head into the final week of February.
Name Journal's Year-To-Date Sweet 16
Highest Reported
2004 Domain
Sales through Sun. Feb. 22
Euro to Dollar Conversion (� to $)
Based on Rates in
Effect When Sales Were Originally Reported by DNJ |
Domain |
Sold For
Sold |
1. |
Beef.com |
$150,000 |
GreatDomains |
2. |
"Sex contacts" in German |
= $141,175 |
Sedo |
3. |
Truck.com |
$101,000 |
DomainSystems |
4. |
"Cruises" in German |
= $88,853 |
Sedo |
5. |
"Boxing" in German |
= $72,509 |
Sedo |
6. |
= $51,333 |
Sedo |
6. |
"Bosom" in German |
= $51,333 |
Sedo |
8. |
Metropol.com |
= $38,230 |
Sedo |
"Nude or Naked" in German |
= $38,081 |
Sedo |
10. |
DiscountDrugs.com |
$30,010 |
Namewinner |
11. |
NewYork.info |
�22,000 =
$28,086 |
Sedo |
12. |
XPart.com |
$27,981 |
DomainSystems |
13. |
Messaging.com |
$27,600 |
Pool |
14. |
Beat.com |
$25,000 |
DomainSystems |
15. |
Password.net |
$20,555 |
Afternic |
16. |
38.com |
$20,000 |
Afternic |
Below are landmark sales where the price level (denoted
by X characters) was released but not the exact price paid.
This will allow us to note significant sales that are among
the Year-To-Date leaders but cannot be ranked
numerically due to a confidentiality agreement that
kept the exact price private. Date shown indicates when the
sale was first reported in Domain Name Journal. |
(Feb. 10, 2004) |
Sedo |
New TLD Section
It was a landmark week for .info. In addition
to still another appearance among the big boys on our main chart, the
new extension saw the last of its available 3-letter domains
disappear into the portfolio of well-known developer/investor Elequa.
He began buying up the remaining combinations shortly after the New
Year began and, about 2,000 registrations later, he finally completed
his spree last night (Feb. 23). With no more 3-letter .infos available
for registration prices will undoubtedly rise.
In fact they have been rising for some time. Sedo
confirmed to us that HMS.info should come out of escrow there
soon since the buyer has already paid �8,500 ($10,780) for
the domain. It is currently just waiting for a registrar-to-registrar
transfer to be completed before being marked officially done. There is
also a four-figure 3-letter sale on this week's chart, coming in right
behind the chart topping Moscow.info.
Name Journal's New TLD Top Five
Reported .info, .biz & .us Domain Sales
Feb. 16, 2004 - Feb. 22, 2004
Euro to Dollar Conversion (� to $) is Based on Rates in
Effect Tue. Feb. 24 |
Domain |
Sold For
Sold |
1. |
Moscow.info |
$10,000 |
Sedo |
2. |
TOI.info |
$1,000 |
Transaction |
3. |
$800 |
Sedo |
4. |
"Rims" in German |
= $444 |
Sedo |
5. |
= $317 |
Sedo |
This writer was the seller of TOI.info. The buyer was
represented by a major law firm, so I didn't know who had purchased
the domain until yesterday when the WhoIs record updated to show it
was global
conglomerate Deutsche Telekom. It's the second domain they
have bought from me in the past two months. Maybe they know I am a T-Mobile
customer (cell phone service owned by Deutsche Telekom) and are
throwing me some business in exchange for paying my bills promptly!
With a teenage daughter racking up airtime, I need to sell them a few
more to break even though (hint! hint!).
One more note on the world's 3-letter domain king.
Elequa now owns between 2,500-3,000 3-letter .infos (15-20% of the
world supply) - even he doesn't know the exact number! He also holds
over 2,000 3-letter .nets and more than 2,000 3-letter .orgs
(representing about 12% of the total in each extension). Then, sitting
at the top of the pyramid, more than 1,000 3-letter .coms! Since
he does not sell domains you can see why the ones that do make it to
the marketplace command such high premiums. Perhaps to celebrate
closing out the .info 3-letter category, Elequa recently bought Party.com
(though the price remains confidential on that one). I can't think of
anything more appropriate to mark the occasion than that!
With that big Moscow.info sale this week we have added
another slot to our New TLD (Top Level
Domain) Year-To-Date chart. Geographic domains,
naturals for the extension, hold the top 3 positions and 4 of the 7
Name Journal's Year-To-Date New TLD Super 7
Highest Reported 2004 .info, .biz & .us Domain Sales through
Feb. 15
Euro to Dollar Conversion (� to $)
Based on Rates in Effect When Sales Were Originally Reported
by DNJ |
Domain |
Sold For
Sold |
1. |
NewYork.info |
�22,000 = $28,086 |
Sedo |
Moscow.info |
$10,000 |
Sedo |
3. |
RioDeJaneiro.info |
$9,000 |
Transaction |
4. |
BDSM.info |
= $6,947 |
Sedo |
5. |
"tires" in German |
= $6,894 |
Sedo |
6. |
Vancouver.info |
= $6,378 |
Sedo |
7. |
Vacations.info |
$5,500 |
Transaction |
That does it for another momentous week in the domain
industry. As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies,
private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale
made through any channel. To contribute information and help make
this column better, just drop a note to editor@dnjournal.com.
I would like to extend a special "Thank You" to Richard
Meyer whose help is invaluable in bringing you these sales
reports each week.
Every Tuesday we publish the highest reported domain name
sales for the previous week. On Monday our contributors send us
their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that
information and write this report for Tuesday publication to give
you the freshest sales report in the industry.
We will close with this standard caution. These are not average selling
prices - these are top selling domains. One of the
biggest impediments to making sales is pricing domains at
unrealistic levels. For most of us, pricing domains at the levels
achieved on the Top Ten chart will leave us waiting a long time to make a sale! We hope you will
use the information presented here as a measuring stick that will
help you price your domains at levels that will put more money in
your pocket more often!
Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain
Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.