Almost as shocking as the .info sale is the fact a
would have led the chart if hadn't! Coming in at
#2 is at �8,900 ($16,292),
also at Sedo! Perennial leader .com doesn't show up until the third
position but the old warhorse retains a lot of luster with a pair of
$11,000 sales! Sedo had one of those to cap a blockbuster
week. The other was a private transaction involving Christian
Chena (a chart regular both as a buyer and seller). This time
Chena was on the purchasing end of
It certainly looks like variety was the spice of life this week
as still another extension, .net, occupies the 5th position.
sketched a $10,099 payday for and proved the
buyers were back in full force after the holidays. It's the first
time that every sale on the top half of our chart was a five-figure
transaction. All of those predictions of a rebounding domain market
in 2004 are looking good here in the early going.
It's quite possible that we haven't seen anything yet. As we were
going to press we heard an unconfirmed rumor that was
being purchased by a Korean company for $1 Million. There may
be nothing to it and we don't like to deal in rumors, but after the
recent $1.32 Million sale, it is intriguing to think
what another seven-figure deal this soon would mean to the overall
Before we move on to the big chart we also want to clean up some
unfinished business. Last month we told you about
going for $61,005 in a Pool auction but the domain did not
change hands for some time, so there was some doubt as to whether or
not it would be paid for. That transfer has in fact taken place and
the new owners have their own page up now so it was a legitimate
sale. The big one we told you about last week at Pool,
($38,000) still has not changed hands however.
Now on to the big chart with some additional notes following your
tour through the Top Ten. As always, keep in mind that these are the highest value sales
that have been reported in the past week. This column is
meant to be an educational tool, not a complete list
documenting ALL high value domain sales. Such a list is
impossible to produce because many sales are kept private at the
insistence of buyers, sellers or both.
Name Journal's Top Ten
Reported Domain
Sales - Mon. Jan. 5, 2003 - Sun. Jan. 11, 2004
Euro to Dollar Conversion (� to $) is Based on Rates in
Effect Tue. Jan. 13 |
Domain |
Sold For
Sold |
1. | |
�22,000 =
$28,086 |
Sedo |
2. | |
= $16,292 |
Sedo |
3. | |
$11,000 |
Sedo |
3. | |
$11,000 |
Transaction |
5. | |
$10,099 |
Pool |
6. |
$5,555 |
Pool |
7. | |
$5,000 |
Afternic |
8. | |
$4,800 |
Pool |
9. |
$4,687 |
DomainSystems |
10. | |
$4,300 |
Pool |
Though .com had a rare week out of the top spot, the world's most
popular extension did sweep the second half of the chart. Thunayan
K. AL-Ghanim (Elequa) was the buyer of 6th-ranked
at Pool with a winning bid of $5,555. Afternic rang
up 5,000 mean...dollars with Afternic
also just had a domain go into escrow at more than $20,000 so they
may have another chart topper soon. Pool and DomainSystems
round out the chart with three solid sales all topping $4,000.
DomainSystems had four other sales in the same ballpark.
fetched $4,186, (spelling is correct -
which is to say, yes, it is a misspelling) sold for a sparkling $3,858, went for $3,150 and
whispered $3,078 in CEO Monte Cahn's ear.
Pool had their usual boatload of notable buys as well. They
included at $4,000, at $3,100
and at $1,500. In other extensions,
went for $1,450 and sold for $1,209.
Germany's .de was a little quieter this week but Sedo
reported going for �2,000 ($2,554)
and selling for �1,500 ($1,915).
Praliene is a typo of Praline which gets a steady flow of traffic
according to Overture. Sedo also had a
four-figure sale to go along with their #2 British domain from our
Top Ten. sold for �1,000 ($1,847).
Now it's time to introduce a new feature to our column. We had
several requests to produce a Year-To-Date sales chart so you
could see all of the year's best sales in one place without having
to traipse through the many columns in our Archive.
Your wish is our command (as long as it does not involve lending you
money)! So below you will find a new chart that will be updated each
week with the YTD leaders. We will expand the number of positions on
the chart as the year progresses so you can keep track of all of the
annual leaders at a glance. We are doing the same thing for the New
TLD chart later in this report. Here is how they stand two weeks
into the New Year.
Name Journal's Year-To-Date Top Ten
Highest Reported
2004 Domain
Sales through Sun. Jan. 11
Euro to Dollar Conversion (� to $)
Based on Rates in
Effect When Sales Were Originally Reported by DNJ |
Domain |
Sold For
Sold |
1. | |
�22,000 =
$28,086 |
Sedo |
2. | |
= $16,292 |
Sedo |
3. | |
$11,000 |
Sedo |
3. | |
$11,000 |
Transaction |
5. | |
$10,099 |
Pool |
6. | |
$7,750 |
DomainSystems |
7. | |
$6,600 |
Pool |
8. | |
�5,000 = $6,378 |
Sedo |
8. | |
= $6,378 |
Sedo |
10. |
$5,555 |
Pool |
The YTD Top Ten chart gives us a nice lead-in to the next section
of our report on new extensions. As you can see above, .infos have
two of the top ten slots in the early going. .Info also would have
had the top two slots on our latest New TLD chart if it
weren't for the rapidly sinking value of the dollar against European
The runner-up to,, went for �1,000
in a private transaction. At today's exchange rate that
is a little over $1,800, just nudging out
of the number two spot. However, on the day the sale
actually took place, the seller told us it converted to under
$1,800. For uniformity we base all currency exchange rates on where
they stand the day this column is published (on Tuesdays). So, I
propose a steel cage tag team match between the Collins
brothers at Afternic (Roger & Michael), and the
buyer & seller of with bragging rights to the runner-up
slot at stake. The latter duo will wear masks as they prefer to
remain anonymous. 
Here is the full new extension list which again shows .info
muscling out the competition by taking 4 of the 5 spots on our
Name Journal's New TLD Top Five
Reported .info, .biz & .us Domain Sales
Jan. 5, 2004 - Jan. 11, 2004
Euro to Dollar Conversion (� to $) is Based on Rates in
Effect Tue. Jan. 13 |
Domain |
Sold For
Sold |
1. | |
�22,000 = $28,086 |
Sedo |
2. | |
= $1,846 |
Transaction |
3. | |
$1,800 |
Afternic |
4. |
= $773 |
Sedo |
5. |
$650 |
Afternic |
From my point of view, the buyer got a terrific deal on
That booming city is the capital of Texas and one of the most
entertaining towns in America (the music scene is amazing). Just
based on the size and stature of the city alone it is a great deal,
then factor in all of the businesses and people that have Austin as
both a first name and a surname and you have a pretty healthy
potential resale market there. I made a note to myself to take a
much closer look at Afternic's voluminous listings after seeing that
one cross the tape!
Now let's take a look at where new extension sales stand
Name Journal's Year-To-Date New TLD Top Five
Highest Reported 2004 .info, .biz & .us Domain Sales through
Jan. 11
Euro to Dollar Conversion (� to $)
Based on Rates in
Effect When Sales Were Originally Reported by DNJ |
Domain |
Sold For
Sold |
1. | |
�22,000 = $28,086 |
Sedo |
2. | |
= $6,378 |
Sedo |
3. | |
$2,200 |
Transaction |
4. | |
= $1,846 |
Transaction |
5. | |
$1,800 |
Afternic |
As with the main chart, we will expand the number of positions on
this New TLD year-to-date chart as the year progresses. We are obviously off
to a rousing start in 2004 and our prediction is that it will only
get better!
As always, we welcome all verifiable sales reports from companies,
private sellers or individuals with knowledge of an important sale
made through any channel. To contribute information and help make
this column better, just drop a note to [email protected].
I would like to extend a special "Thank You" to Richard
Meyer who contributed greatly to this week's column. Page
Howe is also always there to lend a hand!
Every Tuesday we publish the highest reported domain name
sales for the previous week. On Monday our contributors send us
their sales data for the previous 7 days. We then compile that
information and write this report for Tuesday publication to give
you the freshest sales report in the industry.
We will close with this standard caution. These are not average selling
prices - these are top selling domains. One of the
biggest impediments to making sales is pricing domains at
unrealistic levels. For most of us, pricing domains at the levels
achieved on the Top Ten chart will leave us waiting a long time to make a sale! We hope you will
use the information presented here as a measuring stick that will
help you price your domains at levels that will put more money in
your pocket more often!
Editor's Note: If you wish to review previous Domain
Sales columns, they are available in our Archive.