buzz from last year still hasn’t died down and though that is a
good thing it also presents a potential hurdle. T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East
now has to surpass itself by trying to improve on a performance that
2004 attendees thought was near perfect. It’s a tall order but
Schwartz thinks it can be done. “The key is to keep the seminars
fresh, timely and important and the attendees to be of the highest
caliber,” Schwartz said. “At T.R.A.F.F.I.C. West we brought in
the venture capital guys. That was a step in the right direction and
even though they disappeared as fast as they appeared it was a
stepping stone to bigger things. For the new Delray show we are
going to have the bankers for the first time. If you could get loans
on virtual property, it would transform the entire industry and
domain values would skyrocket even faster than they are now.”
looking ahead, Schwartz said, “At T.R.A.F.F.I.C. West next
spring (May 2-5, 2006 at the Venetian Hotel in
Las Vegas), we are aiming for Madison Avenue
advertising companies. They have yet to wake up to the fact
that ad revenue is leaving traditional media like TV, print
and radio and are making tracks to the Internet. The
Internet is the #1 growth area in advertising and they have
yet to embrace us. But they will in time and our job is to
accelerate that eventuality by educating them and showing
them where the dollars are in the future.”
show that we do will open and reveal the next opportunities
and things we need to focus on,” Schwartz said. “We are
small enough to change on a dime and big enough to have a
huge impact on the direction of the industry. By having our
finger on the pulse of the net we will continue to have one
exciting show after another and each one will be more
exciting then the last. So we have a clear understanding of
what needs to be done and we are surrounded by folks that
understand and embrace what we are doing.” |
from T.R.A.F.F.I.C. West 2005
Vegas, Nevada |
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. West was held just five months ago, Schwartz said it
will be worthwhile for the people who were there to be on hand at
Delray Beach as well. “The attendees are different and the subject
matter is different. Most importantly is the timing. The Delray show
is poised at the beginning of the Christmas season and much of the
dollars spent on Internet ads will take place in the next 60 days
and payouts during that time skyrocket as competition for targeted
traffic is fierce,” Schwartz said. “Plus we are in a fast moving
climate and it is just too long to go an entire year without falling
behind and letting their competition pick up the slack. It also
cements relationships that may have been born at T.R.A.F.F.I.C. West
but could be solidified in Delray.”
and Howard Neu
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. Co-founders |
has been the front man when it comes to publicizing the
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. shows, but at the conference site his
partner, attorney Howard Neu, often takes center stage.
“The seminars are provocative in part due to the talents
of Howard Neu,” Schwartz said. “Howard had a TV
interview show for many years and he has a gift for asking
pertinent questions and keeping things interesting and
moving along. Without him moderating, the outcome would
likely be much different. Howard has a pleasant demeanor and
even with competitors on stage he is able to keep things
extremely friendly. That takes a very special talent and all
the panelists are made to feel welcome, comfortable and
valued.” |
months ago no one knew what to expect from the T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
conference. It is now one of this young industry’s institutions.
That has surprised Schwartz as much as anyone else. “Surprised in
an understatement!” Schwartz declared. “We started as a 35
person get together and to watch this evolve into the event it has
is the most gratifying thing I have ever done. It has taken a life
of its own and companies have seen the value in “slowing down”
for a few days and analyzing what they do, who they do it with and
the direction they are going.”
went to Ad-Tech last April in San Francisco. I was in
awe at first. They had hundreds of booths and 5,000 attendees.
Then it dawned on me that all that was there was noise. Lots
of noise. Everyone was running so fast that they could not see who
they wanted and could not accomplish what they needed. At our shows
we focus on the biggest and the best and we slow time down to a
crawl so folks can meet and think and do. I think these companies
have seen the value in what we are doing and bringing the right
folks together allows great things to happen.”
Just as
has grown and changed over the last 12 months, so has the domain business. Schwartz said the industry landscape is considerably different now
than it was going into last year’s show. “We were timid in 2004. We just survived the collapse and we were all a bit hesitant on what the future held,” Schwartz said. “We all came to Delray in an apprehensive way feeling our way
through. By the end of the week we knew something very special happened and it transformed the entire industry in how the sponsors look at us and work with us.”
illustrate that point, Schwartz noted “last year Yahoo! sent 5 reps and this year they are sending 16 at last count. Last year
Google sent 2 and now they send 6, plus they are our newest sponsor. Similarly is sending 16 reps and and are also sending armies of folks because there is business to be done and there is room to grow their businesses in a big way. At the 2004 show we had perhaps 30 companies represented. The 2005 show swells that number to over 100 companies. The momentum in the business is unmistakable. Prices are going up and folks are starting to understand the difference between crap traffic and prime traffic.”
array of seminars are designed to help attendees learn nuances like
that. Though we pressed him on which seminars would be especially
important, Schwartz was having none of it. “I think it will be
easier to tell people which seminars won’t be good. NONE! We have
a terrific line up and attendees will be thrilled with every single
one of them. There is no dead weight anywhere and we hope to keep
that formula in future shows as well.”
is also pleased to have landed Andrew Miller and Mike
Zapolin of the Internet
Real Estate Group (subject of last month’s DNJournal
Cover Story) as his keynote speakers. “Last
year we had Ben Stein as the keynoter. He was
wonderful and gave a thrilling keynote speech. But the
feedback was domainers wanted to hear from other domainers
or folks at least making money on the web. So in Vegas we
got Marc Ostrofsky and he blew them away. For Delray
we have Andrew and Mike and destiny is responsible for
explained “It was the first dividend I received after
in August. Shortly after the sale
Andrew Miller sent me an email. It was then followed up by a
phone conversation and there was no doubt that Andrew knew
the business and was a real businessman. So I invited him to
and then shortly thereafter I asked if he would be
interested in being our keynoter. He accepted and we are
very excited that he is excited about T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
and what we are trying to accomplish. There is no doubt that
when Andrew and Mike speak there will be a standing room
only crowd and you’ll be able to hear a pin drop as
everyone there will be paying close attention to what they
will be sharing.” |
Miller (left) & Mike Zapolin (right)
Real Estate Group, LLC
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East Keynote Speakers |
say the opportunity to personally network with people like Miller
and Zapolin is the the real strength of this show and Schwartz
agrees. “Absolutely. It was what we based the entire concept on
from the get go. The seminars add great value and they are heavily
attended. But it is the one-on-one networking and breaking bread
meal after meal with the core of the industry and the top sponsors
that makes T.R.A.F.F.I.C. what it is. Nobody is rushed and folks
have time to talk without distractions. They don’t have to use the
standard line…"I’ll get back to you after the show.” They
can do business and firm up deals right at the show.”
Schwartz noted, sponsors are the ones who make events like
T.R.A.F.F.I.C. and Domain Roundtable possible, enabling them to
propel the industry forward. The relatively few companies that foot
the bill should be recognized, especially when there are so many
other companies that give little back to this industry or the
customers that support them. For T.R.A.F.F.I.C. East Schwartz said,
stepped up to the plate the minute we announced what we were doing
and they never looked back.
has offered us such help and support it was as if they owned the
is a sponsor for the first time and Yahoo!
Is back for their second sponsorship.
will be hosting a live webmaster radio show and also be holding the
first live domain auction ever.”
sponsor is helping to make T.R.A.F.F.I.C. important and I want
to personally thank them for their support and believing in what we
are trying to do and more importantly….succeeding! Without them,
it just would not be possible.,,,,,
( and others are making T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
a monumental event that can not be missed.
is providing and paying for a golf outing before the show even
starts! It just shows when everyone rows in the same direction what
can be accomplished,” Schwartz said.
handful of companies will receive special recognition at this
conference when the World Association of Domain Name Developers
awards their Seal of Approval to three registrars that take domain
hijacking seriously. Schwartz said the registrars (who won’t be
named until the show) have demonstrated the cooperation and the self
policing needed to prevent hijacking and to recover hijacked
three out of all the registrars met the criteria to receive our seal
of approval,” Schwartz said. “A new day has dawned and these
registrars that do not take domain hijacking seriously will not be
able to display this award on their website. Those that refuse to
cooperate will not get the support of the domain industry and others
as well. Those registrars that don’t have a sense of urgency and
allow hijacked domains to end up with a notorious registrar in France,
that is a haven for hijacked domains, will be known by every
domainer in the world.”
said, “T.R.A.F.F.I.C. is moving the ball forward and organizing
domainers to have some power and say in their destiny. Whether it is
the payouts by sponsors or the safe keeping of domains by the
registrars it is clear that we as a group have to do this for
ourselves. If you are a domainer or a sponsor in our space and you
have not attended any of the three events we have held, you are
being left behind and your competition is getting the rewards.”
added “You don’t have to take my word for it, just ask
those that have attended for their thoughts and you will
learn just how serious an effort this is. All domainers will
be affected in a beneficial way even without their
participation or attendance. T.R.A.F.F.I.C. is not great
because I say so. It is great because the folks that come
say so and the proof is that they come back and take
advantage of the environment that we provide for serious
people to do serious business. We have nearly every top
domainer in the world attending. You can literally see
sparks flying as new ideas are born and business is forged.
It is lightning in a bottle and that is perhaps the rarest
commodity in all the world.” |
has come under a lot of pressure to open the show to all comers, but
he has refused to budge. “I have taken a lot of flack by making
this show by invitation only. But it is this special formula that
makes the show so important. Folks know there will be no wannabes
there or folks that just want to waste time. Each attendee is
spending at least $3,000 to attend and investing several days of
their time. They look around and see every seat occupied by someone
and a company that they know. Everyone there made a strong financial
commitment to be there. They expect a return from that investment
and each attendee makes sure that happens.”
closed by noting, “they also have time to laugh and really get to
know the folks they are doing business with on a level that is just
not possible at a traditional trade show. I just sit back and watch
the magic and am amazed that what was once just a dream has turned
into the reality it has!”
all 250 seats have been sold, at press time Schwartz was in
discussion with the Marriott to see if any additional room can be
made. If you are interested should any late openings occur, you can
send an email to [email protected]
to request an invitation.
* * * *
Note:’s coverage of T.R.A.F.F.I.C.
East 2005 will be handled a bit differently this year. Last year we
left the conference after the final session each afternoon to
produce an extensive daily report for you to read the following
morning. In doing so we missed some evening interview opportunities
and activity that deserved coverage as well. This time around our on-site
coverage will consist of daily briefs and photos posted on our Home
Page shortly after the afternoon schedule ends each day Wednesday
through Friday, October 19-21 (the conference begins with a
cocktail party Tuesday evening and closes with a business meeting
Saturday morning). This will free us up to cover evening events
so we will be able to write a truly comprehensive show wrap-up
article for you. We expect to have that piece completed and
published on our home page by Monday night, Oct. 24 (U.S.
Eastern Standard Time).