the last 2,000 years that command has been central to the Christian
faith. Believers do not expect God to establish his final
kingdom on earth until everyone has had an opportunity to hear the Good
News and decide for themselves whether or not to accept Christ�s
gift of salvation. Spreading the gospel is an unavoidable duty
for all Christians and that is why you have been approached at one
time or another and asked things like �where do you expect to
spend eternity?� Most of us answer something like �waiting
on hold for a customer �service� rep at my $%@# registrar!�
but even that kind of response will not deter a dedicated Christian!
if you regard going to church to be about as appealing as a
trip to the dentist, you may not know that those encounters can be
just as uncomfortable for Christians as they are for you. While
their faith requires them to share the gospel (which literally means
�good news�) they also have a genuine sense of joy they want
others to experience, but many find it tough to bear witness in a
way that will win people over rather than chase them away.
Bob Broxton. He thinks he has found a perfect solution in the domain
industry that will spread The Word in a non-intrusive way and
get it distributed around the globe in a time frame that could never
have been dreamed of before the Internet arrived. It�s quite
possible you have already seen Broxton�s handiwork in your Inbox.
It�s called ScriptureMail� (,
a service Broxton recently rolled out that converts the world�s
most popular Bible verses into email addresses. Christians
can use these to convey their favorite passages to others every time
they write a note.
example, Broxton�s own email address is [email protected].
When you receive an email from him, there is a hotlink at the bottom
of the message leading to the full text of the verse in three
translations. In this case it says �This is the day the LORD
has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.� There is also a link
to where recipients can select a verse to use as
an email address of their own.
Screen shot of Home

currently has over 500 domains that are available as email
addresses. Those are just a fraction of the thousands of Bible
related domains Broxton owns, along with a couple hundred secular
domains. Broxton told us �I spent several years doing research to
determine the best Bible verses to use as ScriptureMail addresses. I
wanted to locate those verses that not only contained inspirational,
dynamic, creative and life-changing thoughts, but also had to be
among the most constantly cited and readily recognizable Bible
verses. I wanted those verses that you repeatedly hear over and over
again from the pulpits or when people are quoting from the Bible.
What better way to spread the word of the Bible than make a service
available where an unlimited number of persons can have their
favorite Bible verse as part of their email address?�
Screen shot of a sample email from

service was exactly what Rebecca Dillard of Richmond,
Virginia was looking for. When she was baptized at the age of
17, Dillard chose Proverbs
3:5-6 as her personal life verses. �That scripture
passage always reminds me that God is in charge of my life and I
should trust daily in his loving guidance,� Dillard said. The
human resources specialist, who is now 27, was delighted to find
available as an email address at
�It�s a great way to witness in a non-intrusive manner
with a service that is virtually spam free.� Dillard added,
�I�m helping to fulfill Christ�s Great Commission. That�s
what I am called to do as a Christian�.
has sunk a considerable amount of time and money in the venture. A
little has been recouped through the $8.99 annual fee for
basic ScriptureMail service. There is also a $24.95 enhanced
service that adds increased storage space and automatic virus
scanning. Of course, any time the subject of money and religion
comes up in the same sentence, church critics are ready to pounce.
Fueled by scandals involving preachers like Jim Bakker, Jimmy
Swaggart and others, they are (perhaps understandably) quick to
question a person�s motives. Broxton knows that but won�t
let it deter him from accomplishing his mission. �I am not the
least bit concerned about criticism,� he said. �A favorite Bible
citation of mine is Matthew 5:11-12: "Blessed are you
when people reproach you, persecute you, and say all kinds of evil
against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceedingly glad,
for great is your reward in heaven."
Gibson has faced that kind of criticism after raking in hundreds
of millions of dollars from the stunning success of his film The
Passion of the Christ. No one expected the movie to reap
such a financial bonanza, but for Broxton it was not a big surprise.
He points out that there are 2.2 billion Christians on earth,
more than one third of the world�s population. There are 215
million church members in North America alone.
Broxton�s project was already off the ground when the movie
arrived but ScriptureMail wound up benefiting from it. The opening
scene of The Passion quotes Isaiah 53:5 (�But
he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our
iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and
by his wounds we are healed"). Guess what email address enjoyed
a huge surge in popularity after the movie debuted? If you guessed
ScriptureMail�s, you get a gold star.
path to the domain industry and the ScriptureMail project started
over 6 decades ago in Montgomery, Alabama. His dad made ends
meet by setting up carnival stands every summer up and down the
Eastern seaboard.
Young Bob would go along to run the popular midway game in
which he would guess the player�s weight. The money they made on
the road during carnival season had to carry them through the year
so Broxton quickly learned the value of a dollar. Bob�s mom was a
devout Christian so he was taken to church every
Sunday morning and again every Sunday night as far back as he can
learned first hand how faith in God can get a person through hard
times when his sister contracted polio at a very early age. Broxton
recalled, �For the rest of her life, she had to have help to do
simple things like dress herself. She then died in her forties of
heart failure from what they believe was the effects of the early
polio. Despite all that, she was still very accomplished and wound
up earning a PhD. During her entire lifetime I never once
heard her complain. Her faith was as strong as anyone I have ever
met. I�ll always be eternally grateful for the example set by
sister and mother,� Broxton said.
his sister, Broxton was able to get out of Montgomery and pursue a
higher education. He got into The Citadel, the famous South
Carolina military college, where he earned a degree and
acceptance to law school at the University of Alabama. Upon
graduation he was commissioned as a lawyer in the Army Judge
Advocate General's Corps where he spent the next four years.
that time, Captain Broxton served as a legal assistance officer and
a prosecutor at Fort Bragg, North Carolina. He was there
during the Vietnam War and sadly recalls having to verify
that he had witnessed the wills of many Ft. Bragg soldiers who were
killed in Southeast Asia. The Army later moved him to Washington
D. C. where he defended solders who appealed their court martial
convictions to the Boards of Review and the U.S. Court of
Military Appeals.
his tour of duty was up, Broxton stayed in Washington to
begin what would turn out to be a 30-year career as an
attorney with the federal government. During that time he
took a seat on the bench as an Administrative Judge
handling appeals of government contracts.
In 1995 Broxton finally �retired� from the legal
profession and moved to his current home in Richmond,
Virginia, but his true life�s work was just beginning. |

Like others in the mid 90�s Broxton stumbled upon an incredible
new means of communication, the Internet. Broxton�s initial
interest was secular. He registered his first domain in the fall of
1999, and later added
and with intentions to develop them.
Broxton now says he will sell them because a new idea has pushed his
original plans to the back burner.
of course is ScriptureMail. Broxton said he was watching the
enthusiastic worldwide adoption of email when it suddenly occurred
to him that this would be a great way to disseminate the Good News.
He started assembling domain name versions of key verses in the
Bible. Broxton said �'s collection of email
addresses includes all the verses selected by Norman Vincent
Peale for his three pamphlets "Thought
Conditions", "Spirit Lifters" and "Faith
Builders�; highlighted verses from major ministries (for
example, Robert Shuler uses Psalm 118-24 to open his weekly
TV show); and special verses from the Bible such as the Ten
Commandments, Beatitudes, and the Lord's Prayer. If there
is a well known and frequently used Bible citation there is a good
chance it is part of the ScriptureMail collection of domain
spending several years building his domain name foundation, Broxton
hit upon the idea of adding a link to the bottom of each email
leading to the actual verse. That allowed recipients to quickly read
the passage referenced in the email address. �What a marvelous way
to spread the word of the Bible!� Broxton said. �Anywhere in the
world a person does not need a Bible or need to go to a special web
site to read these wonderful verses.�
he had the ideas in place, Broxton still needed three more elements
to turn his dream into a reality. �I needed an email service
provider, a public relations and marketing firm and a website
designer for ScriptureMail,� he recalled. �After an extensive
search I located and selected
to be the email service provider. They provide an exceptional email
service and have developed a reputation for their ability to reduce
spam dramatically�.
search for a public relations & marketing firm ended in his own
backyard with an added bonus. The Richmond company he chose,,
also provided the site design services he needed. �They have done
a marvelous job and are wonderful to work with,� Broxton said.
There is evidence of that
in the Media
section on It is full of news reports that have
featured the company in both the Christian and mainstream
years of preparation, Broxton finally opened in
2003 and his excitement has only grown since then. �The goal of
ScriptureMail is to spread the message of the Bible in a new,
unique, and powerful way. Email is the number one use of the
Internet, and because of its repetitive nature we believe that the
Bible email addresses available through ScriptureMail may prove to
be the most effective and relevant way to spread the message of the
Bible around the world in our generation. We envision that hundreds
of millions of ScriptureMail's email messages will be circulating
the globe at any given time. ScriptureMail literally transforms
Christians into 21st century e-missionaries with just a click of the
computer mouse!� Broxton said.
added, �Use of a ScriptureMail address provides Christians a
creative and relevant way to follow Romans 1:16 ("For I
am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ"), as well as 2
Corinthians 2:14 TLB ("But thanks be to God! For through
what Christ has done, he has triumphed over us so that now wherever
we go he uses us to tell others about the Lord and to spread the
Gospel like a sweet perfume").� Broxton added, �Even if a
person does not accept the Christian message or become a Christian
is this not going to be a better world as people are exposed to the
language of the old and new Testaments of the Bible?"
expects that ScriptureMail will eventually become a free service,
and in fact will need to be a free service to achieve the ultimate
goal he has for it which is to spread the verses of the Bible around
the globe to the greatest number of people in the shortest possible
time frame. Broxton is already eying partners that can help him make
it happen. �There is a huge war currently among email providers (Hotmail,
Yahoo, AOL, and Google) to obtain email users. The reason
for this is the revenues that can be derived from many sources
(advertising, selling other products and services, directing
customers to portals and search services, etc.) by obtaining users
through a free email service," Broxton said.
we associated with or sold to one of these firms and that firm
offered the email addresses for free, we could provide that firm
with a huge advantage over their competitors. That firm could offer
these special email addresses as alternatives to the one email
address they currently offer. This would give that company an
exclusive way to access the largest affinity group in the
world, more than 2 billion Christians�.
certainly wouldn�t be a problem for ScriptureMail. �An unlimited
number of users can use the same email address. Microsoft has
over 100,000,000 users that use the single domain name,�
Broxton said. �As the domain names used in ScriptureMail would not
be available to any of its competitors this could provide one of
these firms the hook it needs to far surpass all of its
could also associate with a retailer like Wal-Mart or Amazon
that wants an exclusive way to attract large numbers of new visitors
to their website. Every time someone checked their emails they would
go thorough the home page of that retailer. Wal-Mart is already a
huge seller of Christian books and other Christian related
merchandise so the email service would be a natural,� Broxton
sees other potential avenues as well. �We could associate with a
large non-profit ministry or charity that would offer the free email
addresses to obtain users who could be solicited for donations or
product buys. Instead of traditional expensive direct marketing,
this ministry or charity could use opt-in email to solicit the email
users to obtain donations and sell products.�
also could associate with Christian Radio or TV networks as
ScriptureMail could be an exclusive draw for listeners,
identification with stations on the network and to bring traffic to
the website. Similarly, religious bookstore chains or religious
publishers could use ScriptureMail to drive traffic to stores and/or
said one global Christian expert told him �it is realistic to
project that within two years, 10% of the 215 million church members
currently in North America (more than 21 million people) could
obtain one of these email addresses. As Internet usage grows, the
total use in a few years could approximate 20% or 43 million North
American users. These may be conservative projections and the use
could be much greater.� Broxton realizes such projections
are highly subjective and speculative, but since these numbers take
only the North American market into account he thinks the
ScriptureMail user base could reach such gargantuan proportions
given that the global market is far larger.
looking for a partner that can take ScriptureMail to the next level,
Broxton�s firm is using the platform to help local churches and
Christian ministries raise funds through an affiliate program. They
put links to Scripture Mail on their sites and receive $3 for every
basic email account they refer and $5 for each enhanced account.
They also collect $1 for basic renewals and $ 2 for enhanced
renewals year after year.
course any good idea always draws competitors, but Broxton sees no
cause for concern. �No one can duplicate ScriptureMail�s
collection of domain names. It contains now and always will contain
the most popular and frequently cited passages from the number one
best selling book of all time.� Broxton added �I get so excited
about the idea of having Bible verses encircling the globe every day
and bringing people closer to God, just as Christ commanded us to do
with the Great Commission!�
what happened to the retirement he supposedly began 9 years ago?
�I believe the Lord wants me to be actively serving him in some
capacity for the rest of my life," Broxton said. �I doubt
very much I will ever truly retire. Each day is a real joy when you
are working for your Lord!�
Bob Broxton is an elder in the Presbyterian church. He lives
in Richmond, Virginia with his wife of 38 years, Marcia, and
they have two daughters, Kelly and Clancy.
* * * *
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